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Nazi F.I.T.

Author since 2014 1Story 0 Followers
Nazi F.I.T.

The Nazi Fungal Infestation Testing, started before the war started. It was unique compared to other Nazi experiments. This could probably be one of their most sick and twisted experiments. The story you are about to read is 100% real.


It all started with strange behaviors with ants. Yes, ants. Nazi scientists found strange behaviors with ants after they came into close contact with a certain fungi. This behavior inspired some of them to research this further. Most of their research was based on the different species of “zombie fungi”. They tested each and every zombie fungi they knew of on ants, to see what would be most powerful. Next, they tested chemicals to see if they could make it even more powerful, and to find antidotes. No antidotes were found, but a certain chemical (not known because there was a red smudge in the area of the chemical name) made the fungi even stronger.

First Test Subject

They finally perfected the chemical and fungal mixture on ants. They called it, Zombex. They wanted to try it on dogs. The outcomes were gruesome. The dog’s eyes would dilate, it would foam at the mouth and have extreme muscle spasms. The dog would soon begin to get weaker and weaker, before passing out for a day. While it slept, hair on the top of the head would fall off and skin would peel off from the top. White puss like substance would softly seep out of where the skin used to be. Oddly enough, that was where the injection point was. Small little fungi would start to grow on that area.

When the dog had woken up, it would act in a calm nature, as if nothing had happened, which puzzled scientists. It would not eat, sleep, or anything. It would just stay there, sitting there, as more skin and hair peeled off and more puss substance would softly seep out. Every time a scientist would get near, the dog would let out a soft moan, as if trying to speak, which broke many scientists hearts. Most of the scientists resigned. During the week period, they did some blood tests. The blood was thick and white, full of fungal spores.

After a full week, most of the dog’s flesh would have been rotted off, covered in fungus. He was missing an eye by now, and half of his lower jaw was missing. It was a pure nightmare. A complete horror no normal mortal could create in their imagination. Yet, it acts as if it is not affected. Just sitting there, almost no sign of mortality. There is one large fungus growing in the injection point, we think its function will be to spread the spores. After a day, the big fungus had blew up, killing the dog, and sending a gas full of these spores into the air. Ten out of the twelve made it out alive. The two that were infected were locked up and observed for human testing.

Human Testing

Now that they had two already infected test subjects, they could observe to see the effects on humans. It was slightly different, due to their brain being highly advanced. Five scientists left leaving only five left to observe. The five that left resigned, thinking that this was too inhumane. The other five observed. Watched the human test subjects closely. The test subjects were confined in the same cell together, to see interactions between each other. The process of infestation was longer, as expected.

Their eyes would go bloodshot and dilate, their screams were blood curdling. They foamed in the mouth, begging for mercy, until the words they spat out could not be comprehended due to the foam. Blood trickled out of their eyes, their facial expressions could not be forgotten. It was horror that no human should ever go through. They would twitch. Muffled screams became moans. Moans became silence as they passed out. After five days, they woke up. They sat up, expressionless. One of them gouged out their own eyes. The other crawled to the corner and sat there, rocking himself. Soft moans came from his mouth.

A day after, a small fungus grew out of the eye sockets of the one who gouged their eyes out. The other one was still rocking in the corner, chewing his thumb. His thumb was all chewed up, and one gouged out the part of the bone could be seen. Instead of blood, white puss would seep out. One of them under their breath said, “Our heart does not beat, yet, we live.”. Skin would be falling off their body just like what happened to the dog. The white puss, fungi. All of this, and they seemed like they were not affected. They don’t even breathe anymore, and yet they make simple movements of life here and there.

After two weeks, they had no more skin and a lot of their muscle were rotted away. They looked like fungal zombies, covered in their white blood. Just like the dog, a big, pulsating fungus grew out from their heads. A few days later, it would blow up, releasing pores. The scientists made more Zombex and stored it in a safe.

The End of Zombex

One of the scientists that resigned came back to the facility. He went mentally mad and wanted to stop this once and for all. Not even the biggest enemies deserved a death like this. Under secret, he slipped in bombs and blew up the facility, luckily it was underground. All the spores were released underground. No one knows what happened after that. The facility was locked down so the spores would not be released. To this day, the facility has not been rediscovered, and the perfect mixture was lost forever. Only one scientist made it out alive during the explosion, but he was infected. The Nazis recovered most of the research information, thanks to the infected survivor. The survivor was thrown back down the facility and locked in to stop spreading.

There is almost no way of finding this facility, and hopefully, it remains lost forever. This is all the information I could recover from these documents. I burnt the documents, just in case.

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thedemonIx avatar
6 years ago

I feel the need to sanitize my whole apartment suddenly… Possibly with fire…

Smileitstimetodie avatar
7 years ago

Nazis probobly would do that shit and it’s been proven they tried to but failed because of a raid on the facility by a mentally insane​ man and it blew up don’t believe me look it up

ViolentViolet666 avatar
7 years ago

Good pasta

Slendercat avatar
7 years ago

Not that paranormal, honestly.

7 years ago

Zobrex as in dead rising 2?

Omfi avatar
7 years ago

Very gruesome, very.

amaranth49 avatar
8 years ago

*trying not to be sick*

Will Sampson
Will Sampson
8 years ago

could have been better

8 years ago

The Nazis were just sadistic enough to have done this. Hmm…………………………

PapaStacy avatar
8 years ago

My only issue for this fiction is that the Nazi’s were actually animal activists. would have had a less fictional feel if the soviets were used. Historical plausibility is needed

PsYcHo1986 avatar
9 years ago

Ok as a biologist the things you are describing are beyond any speculation for authenticity,,100% fictionary,, but as a pasta is very god but i dont find it scary at all.

9 years ago

There is some truth to this with the genus of fungi Cordycep. The author is probably referring to the species Ophiocordycep unilateralis with the ants. Check it out:

9 years ago

This is one of the most interesting stories I’ve read on creepy pasta and it could fool some one to think its real

toli avatar
9 years ago

well gruesome

Stop Asking avatar
Stop Asking
9 years ago

i find this hard to fap to